Demos Kratos
What does it take to shift from democracy to dictatorship? Control of public spaces, gradual shifts in the law, a missing person, a military parade? It may seem a distant possibility here in Canada, but history tells us that shifts of power can come quickly and unannounced. Liberal democracies are showing signs of age, creaking at the hinges. Across the world intolerance and bigotry are finding new voices and the threat of dictatorship looms. Inspired by Sophocles’ Antigone, this original production by Hamilton Arts Award recipient Marilo Nuñez imagines a dark future that could be just around the corner. The play follows Libertad Cortez, who confronts oppressive forces challenging notions of freedom as she searches for her missing ancient grandmother.
Written by Marilo Nuñez
Director: Peter Cockett
Projection Design & Videography: Peter Riddihough
Costume Design: Kelly Wolf
Puppet Design: Melanie Skene
Sound Design: Ranil Sonnadara
Devised in collaboration with senior Theatre & Film Program students at McMaster University.
Featuring: Jessica Quino, Aaron Penciner, Lenna Mohan, Mimi Han, Florencia Juarez Saborio, Damon St. Jules, Mishka Jaisal, Arfeen Ahmad, Jet’aime Fray-Samuel, Connie Lam, Winnie Woo, Robin Barala, Amanda Harrison, Ayush Kumar, Ashar Mobeen, Saad Saud, Christina Stolte
Black Box Theatre, L.R. Wilson Hall
McMaster University
November 1 - 10, 2018